Do you have ideas for Esperanto? If so, we want to hear them! Therefore, we’ve created the project Viaj Ideoj por Esperanto (Your Ideas for Esperanto). It has the following aims, which should produce results for our communities, movements and organizations:
- Unlimited receipt of ideas (proposals, suggestions, constructive criticism, requirements etc.) about any topics relating to Esperanto via various networks.
- Summary and classification of the ideas to be available in a public database, with acknowledgement of the sender, in order to 1) enable people and groups who want to do something to find ideas to accomplish it, 2) connect Esperantists with the same or similar ideas, and 3) send them to respondents at TEJO and UEA. So that we’ll know what you have in mind, this will be done in a way that enables the ideas to be used to direct the activity of the organizations.
How to participate
There are various options for sending new ideas:
- Via social networks (Twitter and Facebook) with the hashtag #IdeoPorEsperanto.
- In the Instituto Fina Venko’s forum threads.
- In TEJO’s news articles as comments.
- During events at ideas boards, or during programme items with creative technology (volunteer!)
From personal experience, we recommend that you don’t keep all your ideas secret, because what is more important – and difficult – is their materialisation, largely due to time. Also take into consideration that the likelihood of their realization can be increased if you contribute via your ideas. For example you may meet collaborators (which can be necessary when your proposition requires people with different qualities, e.g. one person who knows a lot about a topic and another who knows how to create websites.)
You can send as many ideas as you like, and don’t be embarrassed to publish anything or worry that someone else might already have said it: sometimes silly ideas are the best ones! As for repeated ideas, they help us to know which are the most popular. Your opinion is interesting, and you decide what is important.
Please note that we are using online collaboration of ideas as a creative technology, so we ask that you don’t criticize the ideas of others, only complete them or send others based on them. This doesn’t mean however that you aren’t allowed to interact, for example, inquisitively.
Help Esperanto with #IdeoPorEsperanto!
How to read the contributions
Whenever you can, go to the “Viaj Ideoj por Esperanto“ (Your Ideas for Esperanto) database, with the order from newest to oldest. In addition, we’ve enabled a comments feature, on which you can leave, for example, notes about interest in collaboration (give contact details!), make comments on a particular idea, let us know that you’ve already brought one to life etc.
We would like to add the following comments regarding ideas:
- Few ideas are realized; this is a general fact of life. So, the more ideas the better!
- Ideas are brought to life through work. It’s important not just to say “you do” in general terms, but “we will do…(together)”. The pronoun is key.
- There are both vague ideas and concrete ideas, but something has to start the project off.
- Often the same ideas turn up, such as a place for reviewing texts or .eo domains. Some of them already have conclusions worth reading, whilst others still lack even a practical solution.
- If you have sent ideas that we haven’t added, please be patient as we are constantly reviewing everything that appears. However it could be, for example, that your idea has already been sent, and in this case we won’t add it as a new one. But it might also be that you typed the hashtag in a place that a general Facebook search doesn’t pick up information from, such as a group.
- Even if something has already been made a reality, there are always ways to participate, for example through improvements, extensions and updates (Remember: Everything need updating).