(Esperanto) Novaj talentoj: videoblogisto JozefoVlogs
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TEJO is currently organizing training programs within the AEJK project about cooperation among Africans and Europeans. Their theme is training : how to organize learning workshops, how to captivate the participants and how to propose suitable training materials. TEJO...
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The EU parlament elected its new president on January 2017, Antonio Tajani. His speech in the EP plenary session, mentioning that his cabinet will pay attention to the problems faced by minority language speakers and people living in perriferal...
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TEJO (Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo in Esperanto, World Esperanto Youth Organisation in English) is an entirely youth-led organisation exclusively dedicated to youth. It works in the areas of culture, education, and language policies, and promotes intercultural understanding and participation...
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Fulmintervjuo kun la nova voluntulo de TEJO, Alessandro Bonfanti. Alessandro aŭ pli mallonge, Ale, venas el la nordokcidenta parto de Italujo, el Muggiò, urbeto en la ĉirkaŭaĵo de Milano. Li estas 26 jara, kaj pli-malpli ekinteresiĝis pri Espranto fine...
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TEJO (Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo in Esperanto, World Esperanto Youth Organisation in English) is an entirely youth-led organisation exclusively dedicated to youth. It works in the areas of culture, education, and language policies, and promotes intercultural understanding and participation...
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