Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo

71st International Esperanto Youth Congress

The upcoming International Esperanto Youth Congress (IJK) organised by TEJO is due to take place in Wiesbaden, Germany from the 2nd to 9th of August 2015.

Wiesbaden is the capital of the Germany state Hessen, located in relative proximity to Frankfurt and Darmstadt. For more information on Wiesbaden as a city, kindly visit its Wikipedia page.

The programs during the congresses include lessons, lectures, workshops and courses. In the evening are concerts, discos and dances, the cafe and the bar. But more importantly, the outcome of IJK is shaped by you!

For more information, please visit the official webpage of IJK 2015: http://ijk2015.tejo.org. We look forward to seeing you in Wiesbaden!